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  • Update and reminders

    Thu 30 Apr 2020

    We've received a few telephone calls recently with questions and concerns from parents so here's a few reminders and helpful tips.

    Home learning

    Teachers are now directing pupils to relevant tasks to be completed each day as well as giving ideas. Please ensure your child completes the directed tasks and send evidence to your child's teacher by whatever means they have asked. This is to ensure when pupils are back together at school, they have had similar experiences and staff can begin to build on these again. If you are having trouble accessing or completing any tasks set, please contact your child's teacher.

    Social distancing

    We all know how hard it is to not see friends and family in person and to stay at home but please ensure you continue to follow this guidance consistently. The number of deaths related to this illness is devastating so we all need to ensure we are doing our part to ensure the safety of all staff, pupils and the school community. This is particularly important to stress as we reach the bank holiday celebrations next week. I'm sure there will be street parties everywhere, but please ensure you stay on your own property and don't socialise within 2m of others during these celebrations. Children will find this particularly difficult if they are out on the street so please, please keep them safe and make sure they understand.

    School website

    Depending on what you are using to view our website, you will either see a coloured band across the middle of the page with different headings, (About us, Key information, News and Events etc) or you will see a red band at the top with Navigation written on it and the menu button- 3 horizontal lines- in the left hand corner. You will need to click on the menu to get access to the different tabs.

    News and events tab- latest news 

    All the latest updates will be included here, including examples of pupils work that is sent to myself or the teacher that is different/special. Information about my competitions can also be found here, including winners

    Parents tab- Helping your child at home. Here you will find a list of websites, links and ideas to help your child whilst learning at home. These will be generic. Your child's teacher will provide more specific guidance on what would be most helpful to your child.

    Children's tab-Mrs Johnson's community competition. Find out what the next challenge is and look at the entries and results of all challenges

    Children's tab- Class pages. Have a look what everyone is completing at home. Remember to send in your evidence to your class teacher by e-mail or if it is a larger file, uploading it to your child's folder using the following link.

    OneDrive sharepoint. Your child's teacher will upload a video (at least weekly) in the relevant video file (same link as above). This is to help motivate your child as we know they all want to please their teachers. The files will be dated and you will receive a text message to let you know when a new one has been added.

    They may also set activities and put larger resources that cannot be e-mailed in the home learning folder for your child's year group which can be accessed from the link below.

    E-mail and text messages

    Staff will continue to keep in touch via text and e-mail. Please ensure you respond so they know you are well.

    You know where we are if we can be of any support,

    Take care all,

    Mrs Johnson

  • Home learning examples week 4

    Tue 28 Apr 2020

    Thank you again to those who have sent in photographs or other evidence of the exciting activities you've been up to this week. Here's a selection for you to enjoy!


    Jacob and Luzia have been very busy this week. They helped to make a safe space for their pets, made bird boxes for their family, had a BBQ, played tennis and created their own signs and t-shirts in support of our NHS. 

    Well done to Charleigh who has made pizzas, washed the pots (an excellent life skill) and working hard on her school work.

    Lucy has created her own poem all by herself and has made an excellent job of it. 

    Someone has learnt a very special life skill this week. Francesca! She's learnt to use a sewing machine and has created herself a sack using an old dress. Very impressive! 

    Jessica G, you've made it to the website! She has created an exceptional video of her singing AND playing the ukulele. You can find this in the Head Teacher's video folder on our online platform. You have definitely put a smile on our faces Jess!

    I set Jessie the challenge of using a well-known song but changing the lyrics to represent the current situation and to send me her performance of it. I've added the lyrics below but you'll have to go to our video site to listen to her song (it cannot be uploaded here sadly).

    It is wonderful- listen carefully to the lyrics- very well written. I bet there are many of you that could do the same!

    Aaron has been very busy-look at the concentration on his face as he cuts out the different elements for his plate faces!

    Sarah and Lucy have shared a variety of activities- they can be seen enjoying life in the outdoors looking for signs of Spring, planning a great holiday for when we return to normal life and making very beautiful craft creations such as their wonderful window display (this display earned them a prize from the local police officer!).

    Well done all

    Keep sending us your work- we'll try to keep adding a variety so everyone gets a chance at being the star of the website!


    We'll add more as they get sent in this week.


  • School closure Weekly update

    Tue 28 Apr 2020

    Video messages

    We know how many pupils really enjoyed seeing the staff on the video message we did last week so we've decided that each week, the teachers will upload a short video message to introduce the work they have set, to comment on any work that they have received and to generally touch base with them. This won't be a song and dance (sorry!) but I still hope these personal video messages inspire your child to keep working at home- we all know how much they love to please their teachers.

    All video messages can be accessed from the same link (as below).

    Just make sure you go to the correct folder for your child's class to see yours. They should be clearly labelled/ dated so you don't get confused. 

    We have loved receiving your video messages this week so please feel free to continue to send any video messages in these folders. Just make sure you upload it to the relevant folder, depending on who the message is for.

    Home schooling

    As you know, the next review of the current lock down procedures is due on the 7th May. There is much speculation in the media about schools reopening and how this might happen but please try to ignore this. As soon as we know when schools can reopen and how we can ensure your child remains safe whilst in school, we will contact you to discuss arrangements. Until then, we need to keep going with the home schooling. I need to say thank you all again for the wonderful work you are doing at home. 

    You will find staff are now setting work for literacy and numeracy each day as well as another activity based around the topic. This is to ensure that when we all come back together, pupils have all had similar learning experiences so it is easier for teachers to move forwards. You will still, of course, have plenty of time to do the activities of your choice but we would really appreciate you trying to ensure that the tasks set by the teachers are completed by your child and ensuring you send the work to your child's teacher by whatever means they have asked. Please remember, if you have any questions or if your child is finding the work too challenging or too easy, you can contact the staff in your child's class- you should by now have all of the relevant e-mail addresses.

    My next challenge

    Hopefully, you can see I have been trying to set challenges which the whole family can get involved in and that require different skills. This week, I am setting the Anthony Bek Masterchef/Bakeoff competition! You have until Monday 4th May @ 12 noon to bake/cook your masterpiece. We need:

    • The recipe used
    • The method (good writing practice for the pupils)
    • Photographs taken of your child/children throughout the making process
    • Final photograph of them with the finished dish/product (no photoshopping Mary Berry specials!!)

    Mrs Smith is going to create an Anthony Bek lockdown menu book from all the entries!

    You can make/bake anything you like- it just needs to LOOK impressive as we won't be able to taste it! Please send your photographs to I am expecting staff to excel in this challenge too!


    Take care and be safe,

    Mrs Johnson and the staff of Anthony Bek

  • Mrs. Johnson's Challenge 3 results

    Tue 28 Apr 2020

    Results of Challenge 3- Video Message

    This was definitely the hardest challenge so far to select winners and I've had to have lots of help deciding! I can honestly say every single one was a delight to watch. I have been laughing and crying and it has been wonderful to see families working together, lots of family members getting involved and some very creative ideas. Well done to everyone who has taken part. 

    If you haven't already watched the videos, please follow the link below and go to videos for the headteacher folder.

    1st place- Year 1 collaboration

    We know how hard it was to put our school video together with everyone each doing their bit at home so it was wonderful to see many of the Y1 class working together to achieve this. Great catching skills, unrelenting and lots of teamwork. Well done Y1 (and parents)!

    2nd place- Jake J and Trinity P (couldn't separate them)

    Both sang beautifully (as always) with very inspiring songs/ word choices in relation to the current situation. Very moving. Well done.

    3rd place- Seth P (and family)

    Not one, not two but 3 video messages to inspire and bring a smile to the faces of others. They definitely worked.

    Thank you all for taking part.

  • Easter Competition

    Sat 25 Apr 2020

    Over Easter we asked you to create an Easter accessory and then send us the pictures of them. It was lovely to see such creative ideas and your smiling faces. Mrs Johnson very kindly asked me to judge but it was an impossible task so I asked my daughter Charlotte to do it for me.

    She was impressed with all the entries but she chose 3 first places, one from Foundation and KS1 and two from KS2.

    The three winners are..... (drum roll)

    Adanya in Reception and Lilly in Year 4 -and Samantha in Year 4 - well done to everybody who entered. Have a look at the photos.

  • Home learning examples week 3

    Wed 22 Apr 2020

    Good afternoon all!

    We've had lots of excellent examples of home learning sent to us this week already! Please see photographs below. 

    Well done to Sophie and Rhys who have created their own poems and a special mention to Rhys, who is challenging himself to cycle 20 miles within this month. While doing so, he is raising funds for Kings Mill Hospital and has already overtaken his target. Outstanding effort Rhys, we're all very proud of you! 

    The Jackson family have been decorating their playroom with drawings (with permission from their parents!)

    Excellent work sent in from Luzia. It looks like you're heading for success with your project of saving the planet. 

    Luzia and Jacob are working together on a sunflower growing competition for friends and family to raise money for the NHS. What a lovely idea!

    Well done to Samantha, who decorated a tree in their garden to put a smile on their neighbour's faces. 

    Year 3 were given the task of budgeting for a family holiday to Egypt as part of their new topic. Esme has gone above and beyond this and has created an excellent plan! You can see this on their own class page.  

    Finally, some super craft activities completed by the Steel family. 


    Well done to all of you. Remember we love to see what our pupils are getting up to so please keep sending them to us. You can also keep up to date with posts on our class pages. 

  • Home learning

    Wed 22 Apr 2020
    Another useful site for home learning is The Oak National Academy. Follow the link:
  • Uploading videos

    Wed 22 Apr 2020

    Please upload your video to:

    Once you follow this link, you will see a list of folders. Select the Headteachers videos file. You can then click the upload button on the top of the screen and upload your video. Please remember to give it a title so we all know who it belongs to, e.g. John R Y1. This process may take a few minutes, depending on the size of your video so don't worry if nothing seems to happen straight away. You will also be able to watch all the other videos in this file as they will be too large to upload directly to the website. I can't wait to see them all!

    Please remember, as the link is on our school website, anyone will be able to watch your videos, so when you are uploading them, you are agreeing to this.

  • School closure update

    Sun 19 Apr 2020

    Home schooling

    It has now been confirmed that lockdown will continue in the same way for at least another 3 weeks which means at least another 3 weeks of home schooling. We have seen some amazing work that you have been completing at home with your child and we thank you for your continued support. We know this is not easy.

    Our staff have produced new work packs to give pupils some tasks to do over the next 2 weeks. These are available for collection from the Reception office from Monday 20th April between the hours of 10am and 2pm. Please ensure you follow social distancing rules if there are several people at Reception when you arrive. This will be the last pack that is sent out but please don't worry, we will still be sending you with lots to keep your children engaged but we will ask that any recording is done in the exercise book provided. (We will send an exercise book to children in Nursery,Y1, Y2, Y3 and Y4 along with the work pack. Children in Reception, Y5 and Y6 have already been given one.)

    BBC Bitesize

    The Department for Education have been working with the BBC and many teachers and well-known people to help ensure children continue to learn the appropriate curriculum whilst at home.


    These Bitesize Daily lessons launch on Monday 20th April and are grouped in year group order. Like the title says, they offer bitesize teaching clips and activities to follow and should really help to ensure your child continues to learn the relevant objectives. This will also make it much easier when we are all back in school together as each class will have been learning the same things. Your child's teacher will send you a text/e-mail tomorrow to let you know what they would like your child to do. It could be a combination of BBC bitesize, Purple Mash, Twinkl and other projects. This will vary by class as teachers identify what would be of most benefit to your child. It may be that your child is directed to some activities that are aimed at pupils older or younger than their age- this is because staff feel that those activities would best meet your child's needs/ability. Staff will continue to be on hand to support you via e-mail so please don't hesitate to get in touch with them if you need help or advice or if you feel the activities aren't matched to your child. Don't worry, there will still be lots of time for you to do activities of your choice with your child- I don't want the wonderful creativeness we've seen to end!

    Keeping in contact

    Even though school is closed, it is really important that we keep in contact with you. We obviously care for your child and for you too so staff will make regular contact with you. This will be via text message, e-mails or telephone. Please reply to e-mails so staff know you have received them and please don't hesitate to ask for help and advice. Keep sending work to the staff in your child's class and to me if they've done something you feel is extra special!

    Easter fashion challenge

    It's not too late to take part if you haven't already done so. Remember, it is anything that you can wear with the focus 'Easter'. Please send your photos to by noon on Friday 24th April so Mrs. Smith can judge.

    My next challenge

    Hopefully, you have all now seen the video message on YouTube from our staff to the pupils of Anthony Bek. ( My next challenge is for your child/children to send a video message back! They could even work with their friends (from their own houses of course) and put something together like our staff have! It could be singing, miming, speaking, showing pictures, dancing, acting- whatever you choose. Don't make it too long (no longer than 3-4 minutes) or you will not be able to send it to me! The deadline is Monday 27th April at 12 noon. I can't wait to see and/or hear you all! 

    Take care and be safe,

    Mrs Johnson and the staff of Anthony Bek


  • Message from the staff of Anthony Bek

    Sun 19 Apr 2020

    It has been a long time since we've all been together and with the recent news, it is clearly going to be a while longer. We miss you all so much and wanted to share this message with you. A special thanks to Mrs. Braithwaite for pulling this altogether!

    Click on the following link and enjoy!

    Or, go to YouTube and search The Anthony Bek Dream.


    My next challenge is on there!
