Starting Point: Child is suffering or at risk of significant harm 01629 533190
Starting Point: Advice and Consultation line
01629 535353
Designated Safeguarding Lead - Nichola Miles
Deputy Safeguarding Lead - Donna-Marie Johnson
Safeguarding Governor - Kate Sheppard
Anthony Bek fully recognises its responsibilities for Child Protection and Safeguarding.
Safeguarding arrangements in Anthony Bek are underpinned by three key principles:
Please read our policy below in conjunction with 'Keeping Children Safe in Education' and 'Working Together to Safeguard Children'. The other documents mentioned in the policy are also available below.
If you are concerned about the welfare of a child please follow the following link:
Here is the link to the National Online Safety website which our school ahs subscribed to. All parents are encouraged to access the apps, courses and explainer videos to ensure our children are fully prepared for life online.
At Anthony Bek we like to involve our pupils in all things to do with health and safety. Every year we issue them with our safety leaflets - these have been put together by the staff and the children in the School Council.
Through our PSHE lessons we talk about all aspects of keeping safe - from "Stranger Danger" to "sex and relationships" and "peer pressure" to "making the right decisions."
This year our assemblies, lessons and discussions will cover many aspects relating to safety (Internet safety, staying safe in the sun and "what is a stranger?") Some of the assemblies will be planned and delivered by the children themselves - (see "Pupil's voice" section of the web-site.) We also react quickly to any concerns raised in general chats with children and often turn these into learning points for the class.
Our new PSHCE curriculum focuses heavily on keeping safe in all aspects of life and we see how it can be affected by everything we do and say. There will be more about this in the PSHCE area on the website.
Every year the parents and children receive a questionnaire which asks about safety in school as well as other aspects of school life.
We continue to strive to keep everyone in our school safe - keep checking the web-site for new initiatives, policies and advice.
N. Miles - Safeguarding Officer