Pupil Premium Strategy at Anthony Bek
What is Pupil Premium?
Pupil Premium is funding allocated to schools which is additional to main school funding. Essentially, this supplementary funding is designed to narrow the attainment gap between pupils from disadvantaged families and their peers, where this exists. Schools are given the independence to target these additional funds in order to meet the needs of pupils at risk of under-achieving based on their circumstances and are required to share on their school website information about how the funding is being spent and the impact of the spending on the attainment and progress of eligible pupils.
Who is eligible for Pupil Premium?
All children (aged 5-16 years) eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) or who have been eligible for FSM at any point in the past 6 years are eligible for Pupil Premium. This is why it is extremely important that all families complete applications for FSM if they meet the criteria even if the child may not access the actual meal.
Your child may be entitled to FSM if you are entitled to any of the following:
A lower value Pupil Premium grant is also allocated for children whose parents/parent serve in the armed forces. Normally, this group is not under-achieving compared to their peers but the premium enables schools to provide extra support including pastoral support where required. Children whose parents have now left the Services will still be eligible, up to a maximum of six years.
Children who are in/ have been in the care of the local authority for 1 day or more are eligible for a slightly higher amount of Pupil Premium funding. However, funding for these pupils doesn’t automatically go to the school: it is allocated to the local authority and schools can claim for the funding each term in agreement with carers and the local authority.
At Anthony Bek Community Primary and Nursery School:
Our use of the Pupil Premium will be reviewed regularly by the Governing Body and ongoing adjustments will be made according to the impact the school is having in narrowing the gaps.
Our aim is for all children at our school to reach their potential and for there to be no significant difference between the performance of different groups of pupils by the time they leave our school in Year 6. However large the gap in their ability may be when they enter the school, we are committed to narrowing the gaps in achievement for all pupils.