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Meet the Governors

The Governing Board of Anthony Bek Primary School meets every term (6 times per year)  and is responsible for setting the strategic framework of the school and monitoring its implementation. It acts as a 'critical friend' by holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils. The Governing Body also oversees the finances of the school; making sure money is well spent. 

Further details of our role can be found in the annual statement below the pen portraits of the Governing Board members.

Claire Smith (Chair of the Governing Body)

Mrs Claire Smith: Chair of Governors  Co-opted Governor  

Term of Office end date: 26/02/2027    100%  Attendance 

Pecuniary interests: None (Previous Deputy Headteacher of the school)

In 2021, I retired after 28 years as Deputy Headteacher at Anthony Bek. During that time I taught every age range from Year 1 to Year 6 and was Acting Head teacher for a while.

I still feel very attached to the school and taking on the role of Governor and now Chair of Governors (2024) will make me feel a continued part of the institution. I am the named Governor for Enrichment and one of the named  Governors for Assessment.

My passion has always been Literacy, especially writing and public speaking so I am keen to work with the school to further enhance these areas of the curriculum. I also have a strong understanding of the Safeguarding role within school and I understand the rigorous safety checks that have to be adhered to.

Most importantly, I believe that school should be fun for all involved so I shall be looking at the enrichment activities that are on offer. Being retired, I now have more time to support the school, staff and children to become the best they can be. 

Mr. Carl Standring: Vice Chair of Governors-Co-opted Governor

Term of Office end date: 29/02/2027   100% Attendance

Pecuniary interests: Husband of Adele Standring- Teaching Assistant at the school. Brother-in-law of Lisa Winder- Teaching Assistant in the school and staff governor.

I am one of the named Governors for Health and Safety and on of the Governors linked to Year 2.

Mr. Mick Gamble: Local Authority Governor

Term of Office end date: 12/12/2025    100% Attendance

Pecuniary interests: Director of Pleasley Pit Trust, Chairman of Pleasley Pit Nature Study Group, Councillor on Pleasley Parish Council. Husband of Val Gamble- co-opted Governor at the school.

I have served as a governor since 2001 and was Chair from 2010-2024.  I am a Local Authority Governor, appointed by the Local Authority. I am one of the named Governor for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and PE and Sports Premium. I am also the link governor for Year 6.

Both my children attended Anthony Bek and they received such a good start in their education that I wanted to “put something back” into the community and becoming a governor helps me to do that.  Our children are our future and deserve the very best that we can give them.

I have a wide range of interests including supporting Castleford Tigers, live music, archaeology, history and natural history.  I am a Director of Pleasley Pit Trust, an active member of the Pleasley Pit Nature Study Group and a member of Pleasley Parish Council.


Mrs. Valerie Gamble: Co-opted Governor

Term of Office end date: 29/02/2028      100% Attendance

Pecuniary interests: Wife of Mick Gamble- Governor.

I have served as a governor since 2007, but have had a long association with Anthony Bek both as a parent and a supply teacher. I am committed to our local school and believe it should be a focal point for the whole community. I am a co-opted Governor, co-opted by the Governing Board.  I am the named Governor for Attendance, Behaviour, one of the named Governors for Assessment and the link Governor for Year 5.

As a governor I feel I can still have a link to education, which I consider to be very important for every child.  I hope to encourage and support the staff and pupils in their efforts to achieve the best for Anthony Bek School.

Other interests include committee member of Sherwood Archaeological Society, Church Warden and PCC Secretary for St Michael’s Church, designer of Pleasley Well Dressing, horse riding, bell ringing and walking.

Reverend Karen Bradley: Co-opted Governor

Term of Office end date: 04/05/2028     100% Attendance

Pecuniary interests: None

I am the Team Vicar for the Parishes of Pleasley with New Houghton, and Shirebrook.   I took up the role of Team Vicar here in May 2015 and have made this area my home.  Before becoming a vicar, I have been a full-time mother, youth worker, civil servant and care assistant, among other things.  I was also previously a Parent Governor at my children’s school, and very much enjoyed that role.  It is a great privilege to be able to serve as a governor at Anthony Bek, and I hope to assist in helping to maintain a safe, happy, encouraging place for children to develop and achieve their potential. I am married to Gary who is a Theraputic Counsellor, and outside of my role of Team Vicar I enjoy wild swimming and walking with our dog in the wonderful countryside we have around us. I am the named Governor for Pupil Premium, one of the named Governors for the School website as well as being the link Governor for Year 4.

Mrs. Kate Sheppard: Co-opted Governor

Term of Office end date: 05/02/2028    100% Attendance

Pecuniary interests: None

I am the named Governor for Safeguarding and one of the named Governors for GDPR. My children both attended this school and I was a Parent Governor here before becoming a Co-opted Governor.

I worked for 15 years in Business Improvement, Project Management & Client Relationship Management for a major communications company. I now run my own dog boarding/walking business. I volunteer at my local Children's Centre and also help to run Sunday Club at St Michael's Church. I am passionate about giving our children the best possible start in life and I want to help the school with continual improvements to performance. My interests include live music, cooking & yoga.

Mr. Gavin Richards: Parent Governor 

Term of Office end date: 14/03/2027    

100%  Attendance Pecuniary interests: None (Has 2 children in school- Year 2 and Nursery) 

I have two children currently attending the school. Our family moved to the area from Hucknall in May 2022. I am one of the named Governors for GDPR and the link Governor for Reception.

I am a Marketing Director for a medical device company, responsible for the business across Western Europe. I have over 16 years experience of working in large multinational healthcare companies and 20 years of experience working in the marketing profession. I come from a mining family background and was the first person in my family to attend university. I believe that a good education can help ensure our children can maximise their potential and have the best start in life. I want to ensure I can support our local school in providing this for our children.

My interests include cooking, DIY,  football and walking in the countryside  

Mrs Kerry James: Parent Governor           

Term of Office end date: 23/03/2025    100%  Attendance 

Pecuniary interests: Senior Midday Supervisor at the school (Has a child in school- Year 4) 

I live local and my family and my husband's family and all 3 of our children have attended school with one still attending! It's a great school and gives children a great head start in their education. I want the best for every child that attends Anthony Bek and I know all the staff there do an excellent job. Being a parent governor is a great way to get involved at school and I will definitely try my best to help wherever I can. I am  one of the named Governors for the school website and the link Governor for Year 1.

Mrs Debbie Homewood: Parent Governor

Term of Office end date: 08/11/2026    100%  Attendance 

Pecuniary interests: None (Has child in Y1 and Nursery)

I became a Governor in 2022, not long after my son became a pupil at the school. I previously served for 14 years in HM Armed Forces (Army) as a Royal Military Police Officer, I was also an Instructor and have swathes of experience in safeguarding, teaching, leadership and management. My main interests and vast specialisation centre around security, sports, health and community, therefore I am grateful to be able to support our local school and hope to aide in decisions for the benefit of pupils, parents, staff and the school itself to see Anthony Bek continue to strive. I am one of the named Governors for PE and Sports Premium and the link Governor for Y3.

Mrs Laura Badjie: Parent Governor

Term of Office end date: 17/10/2027    100%  Attendance 

Pecuniary interests: None (Has child in Reception)

I became a parent governor position in October 2023. I am one of the named Governors  for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and one of the link Governors for Year 2. I live locally and have one son who currently attends nursery. I strongly believe in education and that it is the biggest influence in our childrens' lives after us as their parents. A good start in education is a good foundation for the rest of a child's life. Anthony Bek have a dedicated and passionate team who have their students best interests at heart. It has always been important to me that everyone feels included, valued and heard and I am over the moon to have the opportunity to be part of this team. I love to get involved and will do whenever I can to ensure the school is the best it can be and all of our children thrive there.

Miss Kimberley Johnson: Parent Governor

Term of Office end date: 19/12/2027    100%  Attendance 

Pecuniary interests: None (Has child in Reception)

I became a parent governor in December 2023 and am one of the named Governors for Health and Safety as well as the link Governor for Nursery. I live in a local village but I am Yorkshire born and bred! I love learning, having obtained a degree and now changing careers and currently getting a diploma in accounting. I want to help instil that love of learning into others. School is a huge part of our children’s formative years and I want to help make sure our children are educated holistically whilst upholding the accountability of the school.


Mr Sam Richards: Staff Governor     

Term of Office end date: 21/10/2028    100%  Attendance 

Pecuniary interests: Y6 Teacher in school

I became the Staff Governor in Oct 2024. 





Anthony Bek Primary School

Governing Board Annual Statement


The Governing Board is aware of its core functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction

  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff

  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.


Governors are also responsible for setting a school ethos of high expectations of behaviour, progress and attainment of all pupils. This ethos is encapsulated in our CRUSADER codes.

  1. individual is expected to perform at the highest level possible and to strive for continual improvement. The Bekonomy exists to reward and encourage success in all areas of the school’s life. Governors work closely alongside the Headteacher and to ensure that all staff are aware of, and abide by, the policies of the school.


Governors provide challenge to the school and hold the headteacher and senior leaders to account for improving the quality of teaching and learning and school performance. This is done at committee and full governing board meetings where the data on children’s performance and progress is analysed, through questioning and regular monitoring. There are Lead Governors for subject areas and key areas of school life eg Safeguarding and Attendance who make visits to school and take part in Learning Walks and work scrutinies with members of staff. Governors hold the headteacher to account for the performance management of teachers. (The headteacher’s performance management is conducted by governors.) Performance management is closely linked to school improvement targets.

  • Each year the Governing Body considers:

  • Standards of attainment and progress of all year groups and groups of children across the school

  • Attendance and punctuality

  • Staffing

  • Finance

  • Health and Safety

  • Safeguarding

  • SEND

  • Regular review of the School Development Plan and the School’s Self Evaluation


The following are some of the ways in which the Governing Body impact on the strategic management of the school:

School Development Plan (SDP)

Governors work co-operatively with the head teacher and senior management in the writing and monitoring the School Development Plan. The School Development Plan sets aims for the school. The current SDP is based on priorities identified from data, school self-evaluation and Ofsted priorities. The SDP is set out with clear aims, the key tasks which will be completed in order to achieve these aims and the success criteria in order to measure outcomes. The SDP is monitored and reviewed termly, with an evaluation overview being completed and presented to governors within the HT report.

Governor visits

The governors are invited to visit the school as part of their monitoring of the SIP and of specific issues. Lead Governors make visits to school and take part in Learning Walks and work scrutinies with members of staff in accordance with the protocol for school visits. Governors are invited to school based training appropriate to their specific roles eg Safeguarding.

Data analysis

Data is made available to governors through termly meetings with verbal and written presentations followed by question and answer sessions with the head teacher and members of the senior management team thus the governors are able to benchmark their data against similar schools, the Local Authority and schools nationally to ensure the schools standards and expectations are high and are able to be closely scrutinised. Particular scrutiny is placed on pupil progress across all ability groups including vulnerable groups and on the effective use of the Pupil Premium.


Governors review all relevant policies on a programmed basis to ensure that all guidance is current and up to date. Specific attention is paid to ensure that the school publishes those policies which are mandatory and recommended.

Financial management

Governors receive regular budget updates and ask questions to ensure that the school makes efficient use of its budget and provides best value for money. The impact of the governors' role in the school ensures that the budget is managed effectively and improvements are effective and continuous. All Governors and staff with financial responsibility have completed the Governing Body skills matrix which highlights competency in financial skills across the school and governing body. The school buys in the services of School Support Finance from the Local Authority which provides a full and detailed service to support the school, when required. The school uses LA benchmarking spreadsheet to check that expenditure categories are in line with similar schools nationally.


Governor Meeting Attendance

Governor attendance has been of a very good level, with any absences having been fully explained and accepted and approved by the governing body. There are no causes for concern at the level of commitment shown by any member of the governing body. 


The governing body, head teacher and all members of staff are committed to ensuring that all pupils of Anthony Bek are offered a wide range of opportunities and can learn in a stable, structured and happy environment and achieve at the highest possible level.


