Your child maybe involved in only one of these interventions or number of them, depending on their needs. Please ask the class teacher if you are unsure of what your child is involved in.
- 1:1 support/ support in class/ SATS boosters
Reading and Writing
- Toe by Toe
- Read Write Inc
- 5 Minute Box
- Fisher Family Trust
- Better Reading
- Sir Kit’s Quest
- Extra reading
- Lifeboat Books
- Reading Bug Books
- Plus 1/ Power of 2
- Power of Time
- Numeracy catch up
- 5 Minute Box
- Number Stars
- Jungle Journey
- Write Dance
- Write from the Start
- Handwriting Practise
Speaking and Listening
- Speech and Language
- Talk Boost
- Oral to Narrative
- Positive Behaviour Support
- Nurture Groups/ Friendship Games
- Time in the Nurture Room