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What should I do if I think my child may have Special Educational Needs?

If you have any concerns regarding your child’s progress or well-being, then please speak to either your child’s class teacher or Mrs Nicola Abbott-Lewin (SENCO) to discuss your concerns.

Working together with your child’s teachers will often help to sort out worries and problems. The closer you work with your child’s teachers, the more successful any help for your child can be.

 You might like to ask if:

  • The school thinks your child has difficulties.

  • The school thinks your child has special educational needs.

  • Your child is able to work at the same level as other children of a similar age.

  • Your child is already getting some extra help; and how you can help your child.



    How will I know how my child is doing?

  • You will be able to discuss your child’s progress at the pupil, parent review meetings. Over the academic year there will be two of these meetings in addition to the regular parents evening.

  • There will be an annual written report which will be sent out in July.

  • Appointments can be made to see the class teacher if required.


As a parent, how can I support my child?

  • The class teacher or SENCO may suggest ways of how you can support your child.

  • Outside agencies such as Educational Psychologist may also suggest activities that can be done at home.


What support will there be for my child at Anthony Bek Primary?

  • If needed a Passport to Learning will be devised by the teacher, yourselves and your child. Here we will create focussed targets to support your child at school and home. These will be reviewed termly.

  • If your child is struggling in a particular area, interventions will be put in place and regularly reviewed in order to inform future planning. 

  • Occasionally a pupil may need support from an outside agency in which case a referral will be made with your consent. After assessment by the agency a programme of support may be provided.

  • Members of staff such as the class teacher, head teacher and SENCO are readily available for pupils who wish to discuss issues and concerns.

  • All lunch time staff have had safe guarding training are also available for the children.

  • If a pupil has a medical need such as nut allergy, diabetes etc., then a care plan is compiled in consultation with parents/carers and relevant medical specialists. This is shared with all staff involved and with the pupil.

  • Where necessary and in agreement with parents/ carers prescribed medicines can be administered in school where a signed medicine consent form is completed.

  • Staff are trained in first aid are always available.


What agencies are there to help my child?

Here is a list of provisions that could be used to support children.

  • Multi Agency Team (MAT)

  • Behavioural Support Unit

  • Educational Psychologist

  • Speech and Language Therapist

  • School Nurse

  • Occupational Therapists

  • SSSEN teachers

  • Physical/ Visual Impaired Specialist teacher

  • Autism Outreach

  • Social Services

  • Parent Partnership

  • Family Centres

  • Other Practitioners

  • Local Inclusion Officer

  • Subject Co-ordinators

  • Virtual Schools (Looked After Children)

  • We work with Derbyshire County Council Educational Psychology Service and an Educational Psychologist (EP) is allocated to our school. They will normally only work directly with pupils whose needs are felt to be considerable and have not responded well to the interventions previously put in place for them. This involvement is planned for in consultation with the parents/carers, class teacher and SENCO. In order to help with the pupil’s educational needs, the EP will generally meet with the parent and give feedback after the assessment has been completed. They will offer advice to the school and parent/carer on how to best support the pupil and take their learning forward.


    Glossary terms

    There are many terms that are abbreviated that can lead to confusion. Here is a glossary of the most used terms.

    Abbreviated words

    What does it mean?


    Autistic Spectrum Disorder

    Additional School Entitlement (ASE)

    Additional School Entitlement- in school terms, replaces School Action


    Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service


    Education, Health and Care Plan ( to replace statement)


    EP  Educational Psychologist

    In Class Provision

    In school term - children who may need extra resources, support with behaviour etc. Not on SEN register.


    Learning Mentor- supports children with social/ emotional/ behavioural needs.


    Quality First Teaching – an excellent standard of teaching, enabling all pupils to make progress.


    Speech and Language Therapy/Therapist



    Statement of Special Educational Need




    Special Educational Needs

    SEN Code of Practice


    The legal document, which sets out the requirements for educating children with special educational needs.



    Special Educational Needs and Disability



    Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator- organises and monitors provision for children with special educational needs.

    SEN Specialised Support

    In school term – replaces School Action Plus


    Where can I get more information?

    If you wish to discuss your child’s educational needs please contact the school office to arrange a meeting with the class teacher, who may then refer you to the SENCO.


    The Local Offer

    The Local Offer will put all the information about Education, Health and Care services, leisure activities and support groups in one place. It has two main purposes:

  • To provide clear, comprehensive and accessible information about the support and opportunities that are available; and to make provision more responsive to local needs and aspirations.

  • The Government says the Local Offer must be developed and reviewed in partnership with children and young people, parent carers, and local services, including schools, colleges, health and social care agencies.




