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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6


If you need to discuss anything then please do not hesitate to contact me on the email below.


This year, it is so important that children are completing weekly spellings, reading and homework at home to help them prepare for SATS. Children are expected to read 5 times over the week. Homework will be given out on a Monday and returned on a Friday. Spellings will occur through our new spelling scheme, please ask your children what the new spelling rule is this week! If, for any reason, children cannot complete their weekly homework/reading/spellings, please provide a reason in the child’s diary. 



CLASS OF 2023-2024

Summer 1

This 6 week half-term, we will be looking at some very interesting topics:


Maths - SATs Revision

English - Contemporary Fiction

Guided Reading - Past SATs Papers

History - The Tudors (continuing)

Geography - Why does our population change? (continuing)

PSHE - Health and Wellbeing (continuing)

PE - Swimming 


This half-term is also when the dreaded SATs happen, so a lot of the build up to this will be focusing on revision techniques. 



Don't forget to ask your children about their week at school!



Our Class Star of the Week is


For being unrelenting and 

trying her best even when

she finds work difficult.

Well Done!


Our Class Star of the Week is


For showing improvements

in behaviour. 

Well Done!

Spring 2

This 5 week half-term, we will be looking at some very interesting topics:


Maths - Ratio and Shape

English - Diary Entry and Biography 

Guided Reading - Past SAT's Papers

History - The Tudors

Geography - Why does our population change?

PSHE - Health and Wellbeing

PE - Swimming and Netball



Don't forget to ask your children about their week at school!



Our Class Star(s) of the Week are

Harley Ba and Jacob

For being very sensible and 

making the right choices when sometimes 

other children in class are making the wrong


Well Done!


Our Class Star of the Week is


For being a great friend to 

everybody in class!

Well Done!


Our Class Star of the Week is


For always having the right

attitude to learning and always

making the right choices!

Well Done!


Our Class Star of the Week is


For having a great

work ethic and trying his 

absolute best in our SATs booster


Well Done!


Our Class Star of the Week is


For really trying his best

and showing improvements

in his confidence this week

Well Done!

Spring 1

This 6 week half-term, we will be looking at some very interesting topics:


Maths - Ratio and Shape

English - Science Fiction Narrative and Arguments and Discussion

Guided Reading - Past SAT's Papers

Science - Animals including Humans

History - The Tudors

Geography - Why does our population change?

Computing - Networks

PSHE - Health and Wellbeing

RE - What Does it Mean to be Muslim in Britain Today?

PE - Swimming and Cricket 



Don't forget to ask your children about their week at school!



Our Class Star of the Week is


For being very helpful and

pushing herself out of her comfort

zone this week. 

Well Done!


Our Class Star of the Week is


For absolutely smashing the 

mock SATs week we had in school

this week. 

Well Done!


Our Class Star of the Week is

Harley Ba

For being one of the  most helpful children in

the class, always being pro-active and helping

others when he can

Well Done!


Our Class Star of the Week is


For following the CRUSADER code

at all times and being a great

role model for other children.

Well Done!


Congratulations Zak for achieving SUPER CRUSADER Status! 


Our Class Star of the Week is


For keeping her head down, 

getting on with her work and 

always giving anything a go!

Well Done!

Autumn 2

This 7 week half-term, we will be looking at some very interesting topics:


Maths - Fractions, Decimals and Percentages 

English - Spooky Narrative, Japanese Poetry and Explanation Texts

Guided Reading - Various Books

Science - Light and Shadows 

History - The Ancient Maya Civilisation VS the Anglo Saxons

Geography - Where Does our Energy Come From?

Art - Craft and Design 

Computing - Blogging

PSHE - Safety and the Changing Body

Music - Songs of WW2 

RE - What Does it Mean to be Muslim in Britain Today?

PE - Gymnastics 

French - Space Exploration in French 


Don't forget to ask your children about their week at school!



Our Class Star(s) of the Week are

Cole and Ella

For having amazing arithmetic results

in out latest assessment! 

Well done you two!


Our Class Star of the Week is


For always giving 100% 

Well done Lottie!


Our Class Star of the Week is


For being very helpful to the staff and the children and for improving her reading levels.

well done Kaydee-J!


Our class star of the week is


For writing arguably the best story

I have ever read that was written

by a child. FANTASTIC!  

Well Done!


Our class star of the week are


For having amazing attitude 

and respect towards all children

in the school. 

Well Done!


This week we have been learning how to help someone who is choking and how to put someone, who is hurt, into the recovery position. The children thoroughly enjoyed learning this.  Also we have had assessment week, this week. Our year 6s have worked really hard to achieve their very best. Well done year 6. 



First week back and boy are we exhausted! We have completed our RSE lessons this week, children were very mature! In English, we have started writing our Spooky Narrative based around the scary short film - 'Francis'. Mathematic knowledge is improving... we are all working on fractions, which we are all enjoying! We ended this week by walking to the local cenotaph to pay our respects to all the soldiers who bravely gave their life during the war. 

First Aid- Choking

First Aid - Recovery Position

Children in Need 2023


Congratulations Mia for achieving SUPER CRUSADER Status! 

Congratulations to Inmoliyaal for achieving CRUSADER Status!

Autumn 1

This 8 week half-term, we will be looking at some very interesting topics:


Maths - Place Value and the Four Operations

English - Recount, Mystery Narrative and Letters

Guided Reading - The Curse of the Maya by Johnny Pearce and Andy Loneragan 

Science - Living Things and Their Habitats

History - The Ancient Maya Civilisation VS the Anglo Saxons

Geography - Where Does our Energy Come From?

Art - Making My Voice Heard

Computing - Online Safety and Microsoft Skills

PSHE - Family and Relationships

Music - Advanced Rhythms 

RE - What Does it Mean to be Muslim in Britain Today?

PE - Invasion Games and Leadership in PE

French - French Monster Pets


Don't forget to ask your children about their week at school!





Our class star(s) of the week are


For really trying his best in 

all of his work this week!

Well Done!





For being a fantastic role

model to the rest of the children

in class!


Our class star of the week is 


For showing excellent behaviour

all week and remaining focused!

Well Done!


Our class star of the week is 


For showing impressive Mathematic

and English skills all this week!

Well Done!


Our class star of the week is 


For being a role model in class 

and always trying their best.

Well Done!


Our class star of the week is 


For being pro-active and helping other children

when they need help!

Well Done!


Our class star of the week is 


For having great presentation and a great work ethic.

Well done Maja!



What a crazy week this week has been! We have all been working extra hard, especially with long multiplication and division - our most challenging unit in Maths so far! We also looked at micro-organisms in Science, which was very interesting for us all this week. We also had our individual and house team photos, don't forget to check these out when they are available to you. 



This week has been slightly different; we have had so many different teachers. Mr Richards, Mrs Johnson, Mrs Miles, Mrs Smith, Mrs Standring and Miss Ho all taught us this week, and we couldn't thank them enough! We have had some very interesting lessons this week, including renewable energy in Geography and classifying plants into vascular and non-vascular in Science. We have enjoyed every moment of it. Not only that, but Mr Richards added an amazing book to our bookshelf in class: 'Oh Maya Gods!' We cannot wait to start reading that soon!



What a fantastic week we have all had. It has been challenging, as we all had to complete a 'Mock SATs Week', but we all tried our best and now feel a little bit more prepared for things to come. One of the highlights we had this week was finding out about some of the issues the Maya Civilisation faced when settling in the rainforest. We discussed how they didn't have the correct tools for hunting and farming; we looked at some of the key features of the rainforest including the ancient Maya temples; and we enjoyed researching about potential solutions for these challenges. We are all looking forward to continuing this topic throughout the term. 
