If you need to discuss anything then please do not hesitate to contact me on the email below.
This year, it is so important that children are completing weekly spellings, reading and homework at home to help them prepare for SATS. Children are expected to read 5 times over the week. Homework will be given out on a Monday and returned on a Friday. Spellings will be given on a Monday, with the test happening on a Friday. Please ask your children what the new spelling rule is this week! If, for any reason, children cannot complete their weekly homework/reading/spellings, please provide a reason in the child’s personal organiser.
Maths - Place Value, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division
English - Grammar Skills and Suspense Narrative
Guided Reading - Fiction and Non-Fiction Texts
History - Maya Civilisation VS Early Islamic Civilisation
Geography - South America and Energy
Science - Light and Shadows
PSHE - Family and Relationships
RE - What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today?
PE - Swimming
Music - Film Music
French - Sport and the Olympics
Computing - Online Safety and Spreadsheets
Art/DT - Craft and Design
Our first Year 6 Star of the Week is:
For having a brilliant start!
Well done, Evie!
Our Star of the Week is:
For settling in well and always
trying her best.
Well done, Willow!
Our Star of the Week is:
For having a great attitude towards his work and being a great role model.
Well done, Jesse!
Our Star of the Week is:
For leading by good example
Well done, Isobel!
Our Star of the Week is:
For producing one of the best pieces
of writing I have ever read from
a Year 6 child!
Well done, Dhruv!
Maths - Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
English - Explanation Texts and Suspense Narrative
Guided Reading - Fiction and Non-Fiction Texts
History - Maya Civilisation VS Early Islamic Civilisation
Geography - South America and Energy
Science - Animals inc Humans
PSHE - Safety and the Changing Body
RE - What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today?
PE - Circuit Training
Music - Baroque
French - In My French House
Computing - Coding
Art/DT - Christmas Cards, Calendars and Decorations
Our Star of the Week is:
For always showing exemplary behaviour,
even when children around him can be making
the wrong choices!
Well done, Wiktor!
Our Star of the Week is:
Daisie R
For being unrelenting and following our
'CRUSADER' code at all times!
Well done, Daisie!
Our Star of the Week is:
For being a good role model,
and completing her work to
a very high standard!
Well done, Daisie!
Our Star of the Week is:
For always getting on with her work
and being a good friend to others
around her at all times!
Well done, Sophie!
Maths - Algebra, Ratio, Area and Volume
English - Contemporary Narrative and Balanced Discussion
Guided Reading - Fiction and Non-Fiction Texts
History - Henry VIII and Tudor England
Geography - Changing Population and Economic Activity
Science - Living Things and their Habitats
PSHE - Health and Wellbeing
RE - Arts and Agriculture or Charity and Generosity
PE - Gymnastics
Music - Dynamics, Pitch and Tempo
French - Planning a French Holiday
Computing - Text Adventures and Networks
Art/DT - Make My Voice Heard (Art) and Come Dine with Me (DT)
Our Star of the Week is:
For showing CRUSADER
behaviour at all times
and completing her work to
a high standard.
Well done, Ivy!
Our Star of the Week is:
For completing all work
to a high standard and having
excellent behaviour throughout
the week.
Well done, Lucas!
Our Star of the Week is:
For settling in to the
Anthony Bek way of life
in his first week at our school!
Well done, Finley!
Our Star of the Week is:
For being an always child
and completing work to a very
high standard this week!
Well done, Summer!
Our Star of the Week is:
For being a role model to the
class, school and wider
Well done, Sophie!