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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Teacher: Mrs Barnes

TA's: Mrs Winder and Miss Jenkinson

PE day is Monday afternoon


Learning about symmetry in our maths lesson.

Year 4 are becoming quite the experts with rhythmic patterns in our drumming lessons.

Apologies for the lack of photographs from last term. 

Here is a snap shot of our busy summer term 1. 

Telling the time- this proved challenging for many of the pupils.

Happy Easter from Year 4.

Egg rolling competition

We had time for some fun after our Geography fieldwork.

This term, we have been learning new cricket skills.

I hope you all enjoyed the Year 4 drumming concert this week.

Tuesday 23rd January School Closure

Good morning, so sorry that we have had to close the school today due to the cold temperature.

Please ask your child to look at the attached PowerPoint and to click on the video link below. Tomorrow we will be writing our Harry Potter setting description.


As always, please ask your child to practise multiplication tables. We are still not confident with all of the tables and the children need to know them all for the statutory Multiplication Tables Check in June .


Kind regards,

Mrs Barnes.


As part of our History topic, we made Roman shields and practised creating the strong, tight formation known as 'The 'Tortoise'.

Year 4 are learning about electricity this term. We have been making electrical circuits and investigating which materials are conductors and insulators.

Class Star of the Week 13.10.23

Alicia Bromley smiley

Year 4 made string telephones to investigate how sound travels.

Class Star of the Week 06.10.23

Mateusz Soltyssmiley

We investigated pitch by playing instruments in our Science lesson this week.

Class star of the Week 29.10.23

Canatko Pratheeparaj 

Our Science topic is ‘sound’. The children have been investigating how sound is made.


Welcome to Year 4 2023-2024

Class Teacher: Mrs Barnes

TA's: Miss Jenkinson

Mrs Winder

PE is on Monday afternoon.

What a great start to year 4 we have had. The children have shown some great listening skills in the lessons and we look forward to the coming year together.

In English we have been writing about The Dragon Slayer, and completing a dilemma text. Will he or won't he kill the baby dragons?

In Maths we have been partitioning numbers upto 10.000 and also completing some Flexible partitioning, which the children found very challenging. They were all very unrelenting.


Class Star of the week 

Liam Taylor

Mrs Johnson's Star of the week

Liam Taylor

A massive well done to Liam!
