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Year 3

laughWelcome to Year 3!laugh


Class teachers: Mrs Fish (M-W) & Mrs Braithwaite (Th-F)

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Thurman


PE day is Thursday- please ensure your child's PE kit is in school ready for this day and jewellery is removed.


Homework is given out on a Wednesday and should be returned to school by the following Monday. If your child needs support in completing their homework, please speak to one of us before the hand in day. 

Maths 19.4.24


This week, the children have been learning about capacity and volume so today we have worked practically to use our skills. The children had to order the containers from smallest to largest before measuring them and estimate their volume. They then used coloured water and measuring jugs. Once complete, the children then reordered the containers based on their volume. We had two groups who successfully predicted the correct order!

Star of the Week 19th April 2024


For working incredibly hard this week and having a positive attitude. 

Star of the Week 28th March 2024


For always trying her best and being kind and supportive!

Egg Competition Winners

Amelia and Izabella for their egg decoration!

Fabian for the highest score in our egg rolling competition!


Egg Decorating

Star of the Week 15th March 2024


For impressing us with her Grammar test score!

Christmas Sculptures- DT

Star of the Week 29th September 2023


For having an excellent week in school!

WB 25th September 2023

We've had a fantastic week. 

The children have started writing stories about the Stone Age in English and have been comparing numbers in Maths. 

In the wider curriculum, they have been learning how to make Stone Age cave walls in Art, learning about Skara Brae in History and listening to ballads in Music. 

Star of the Week 22nd September 2023


For always working hard and putting 100% effort in. 

Star of the Week 15th September 2023


For settling in well and working super hard. 

Good morning, Year 3!


I hope that you are all warm at home! I have got a few little tasks to help keep you warm.


  • TT Rockstars. If you struggle to log on, work on your times tables on paper. Remember that you will have a times tables test on Thursday.
  • Plan the final part of your diary. One more interesting thing needs to happen. What is the final sentence of your diary going to be? What powerful adjectives are you going to use? Can you write a sentence with a fronted adverbial to use? 
  • Write a book review about the most recent book that you have read. 
  • Use the rest of the day to either finish, or add to, your Ancient Egyptians homework. We said to make this as creative as possible. Could you draw and label a picture of a god or goddess? Create a piece of art about the Ancient Egyptians? Research about Pharaohs? Write a message for your friend in hieroglyphics?


Hopefully, we will all be back in school tomorrow. 

Mrs Fish.
