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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2


Class Teachers: Mrs Barnes & Mrs Fish

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Burling

We had a great time looking at habitats and the weather was beautiful!

We have been practising for our Nativity, we can’t wait for you to see it!

Star of the Week 22.11.24

Tommy Bennett

On Friday, Aaron came to help us learn about good mental health.

What a chilly week it’s been! The children have loved playing out in the snow.

Star of the Week 15.11.24

Bernie Jones

Star of the Week 18.10.24


Year 2 used role play to explore scenarios about friendships.

Star of the Week 11.10.24

Eliza Revill

Star of the Week 03.10.24

Ada Asher

After working hard all week, Year 2 enjoyed some playtime in the sunshine.

Star of the Week 27.09.24

Fredi Stevenson

Year 2 have continued to learn about place value in maths lessons. You can help your child by helping them to count in tens and ones.

Star of the Week 20.09.24

Riley Richards

We have used atlases to locate continents in our geography lessons.

Year 2 have been exploring primary and secondary colours in our art lesson.

Star of the Week 13.09.24

Dylan Blake 

What a fantastic first week we’ve had in Year 2!
