Welcome to Year 1 2024-5!
Teachers: Miss Walker & Mrs Scott
Ta's: Mrs Hand, Miss Burling, Miss Turner & Miss Nussey
If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact us year1@anthonybek.derbyshire.sch.uk or you can always speak to a member of the Year 1 team before or after school. We look forward to having a fantastic year with you!
Autumn 2
Our topic this half term is dinosaurs. This is what we will be learning:
English- making wanted posters and writing instructions to catch a dinosaur.
Math- 2D and 3D shapes
Science- Animals groups including mammals, birds, reptiles, fish and amphibians.
This week we have been learning...
In P.E we did The Daily Mile. We timed ourselves to get a baseline time so that when we repeat it again at the end of this half term we can beat our score. We tried so hard and we know we will be even faster next time!
We completed our first Maths assessment this week for our place value unit and we all did so well! We tried our best and were very sensible.
In R.E we looked at the story 'Jonah and the Whale'. We listened carefully to the story and then worked as a team to correctly sequence the different parts. We made sure that we followed the 'Co-operate' and 'Respect' parts of the Mini-Crusader code.
In Science next week we will be learning all about our sense of taste. We will be tasting different foods based around the 4 main flavours (sweet, salty, sour and bitter). Can you write or draw down any foods you have tried this week and tell us how they tasted? You could even send in some pictures of you trying them to the class email.
Star of the Week- 4.10.24
Our star of the week is Jessica for doing some incredible independent writing. She even used an exclamation mark. Well done!
Well done to Riley-Lee for being Mrs Johnson's star of the week for his attitude to learning. We are so proud of you both!
Our topic this half term is Superheroes!
This is what we are learning this half term:
English-Writing simple sentences
Maths- Numbers up to 10. We will be recognising them, ordreing them, counting out objects to match the numbers, one more and one less and adding and subtracting within 10.
Science-The human body and our senses.
History- Historical heroes including Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale.