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Year 1

enlightened Welcome to Year 1 2023-2024! enlightened

Summer term 2

This term our topic is Enchanted Woodland. We will be learning all about creatures you might find in the woods, magical creatures such as The Gruffalo and different trees, plants and flowers.  

The Year 1 Team

Year 1 has two teachers. Miss Walker will be here on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Mrs Scott will be here on a Thursday and Friday. The teaching assistants in Year 1 are Mrs Hand and Miss Nussey. If you have any questions please email and we will get back to you. Alternatively staff are always around at the beginning and end of each day should you wish to speak to us. 

                                          Important Information


Book swap day- Monday


P.E day- Thursday

This week we have been learning...

In English this week we have began looking at 'The Gruffalo' by Julia Donaldson. We have looking at descriptions of The Gruffalo and identifying some fantastic adjectives ready to write our own descriptions of him next week.


In Maths we have been been looking at positional language such as 'in front', 'behind' and ordinal numbers. We even had some races in the playground to identify and describe who came first, second and third so we should be very ready for our upcoming sports day!


Our P.E topic this half term will be focusing on the skills we need for sports day such as sprinting, balancing and running through various obstacles. Please keep an eye out for more information soon about our KS1 sports day. 


In Geography this half term we will be comparing where we live to the city of Shanghai in China. So far we have completed some field work collecting data on our local area in which we identified physical and human features and this week we will be looking at aerial maps of our school and making our own maps of it with a key.


Our R.E focus this half term is Sacred Places in which we are looking at places of worship for Christian, Muslim and Jewish people. We will finishing of this unit with a trip to our local church. 


In Art and Design & Technology we will be looking at wool wrapping to create various pieces of art and we will even be making a moving picture storybook!

                            Star of the week!

Congratulations to Kinsley for being our 'Star of the Week' this week. We chose Kinsley for not only making being an excellent role model in our class, she has also been trying really hard during our phonics lessons to. Well done Kinsley!
