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We aim to give the children in our school a wide range of scientific experiences. We do this through ensuring that we have broad and balanced Science curriculum. Children are encouraged to develop their working scientifically skills. We ensure that there is clear progression through the age ranges.


All of the children in our school love investigations in Science. The lasting memories benefit the children as they retain more of the learning. The retained knowledge is then utilised at key times during that area. There has been a focus on deepening the understanding that all children have. This is done through mini quizzes, quick-fire questions and spending more time thoroughly covering each statutory requirement. 


We have developed our Science planning and teaching to embed the required elements of the National Curriculum and ensure lessons are interactive and purposeful. Science is taught as a discrete lesson each week to make sure the children understand and apply their knowledge thoroughly.


The staff are working on embedding the key vocabulary in each lesson. At the end of each unit of work, all classes have an assessment - this is an age-appropriate assessment. Teachers use this data to inform future planning and will re-teach any common areas of mis-conception.


