24 children out of classes 5 and 6 went on a residential trip to Whitehall. They camped for 4 nights / 5 days (a school week). In the daytime, they completed activities with Whitehall Activity Centre Staff. In the evening they took part in activities with the teachers. The experiences were mind-blowing. They were a once in a life time experience for primary school children. The evening meals that were cooked by our fabulous staff were stunning. The children all loved the dinners. All the children really hope to go again. The year 6s are really sad because they can't go again.
Abigail from year 5 said, "Everything was amazing even though I got nervous on some of the things. I really enjoyed it!"
Holly from year 5 said, "I liked all of the meals and my favourite activity was abseiling off a bridge."
Finley from year 5 said, "The activities were really good. My favourite meal was chicken fajitas."
JT from year 5 said, "Mountain biking was great and all the meals were delicious!