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Update of school places

As promised, now that our Y6 group/'bubble' have started, I have completed a review of of our capacity to see if there was any scope to offer additional groups or places. Our current groups for Nursery, Reception, Year 1, Year 6 and Key worker groups are now at capacity. Even though we have two classrooms that could potentially be used, it is not possible to accommodate further groups when taking into account staffing availability, toilet access, timings for dinners and breaks which enable bubbles to be kept apart as well as finding different start and end times and gates which don't clash with others. Therefore, if I haven't been in contact to offer your child a place, I am sorry to say that we will not be able to offer a place for the remaining 4 and a half weeks of this term.

Work packs

Teachers are continuing to make work packs, with activities to last 2 weeks. If you want one of these, please e-mail your child's teacher or teaching assistant so they can get one ready for you. You will be able to collect it from the main Reception. 

Packs should be ready WB 15th June

                                     WB 29th June

                                     WB 13th July (1 week pack)

Summer holiday opening

Some parents have asked about whether the school will be open throughout the Summer holidays. I can confirm that school WILL NOT be open. Most staff are not employed on 52 week contracts in schools and those that are, are entitled by law to holidays as well as preparing for the new year ahead. I am aware that the Government is looking at potential ideas in communities, maybe using youth club ideas but this will be a separate provision to school and not organised by us.


At this time, we cannot confirm what will happen in September. I am very hopeful that school will be as close to normal as possible although I am sure we will still have some changes. We haven't yet been given any official information about the arrangements for September, but we will plan assuming everyone returns to their new class on Monday 7th September 2020. Of course, we will confirm this as soon as we know but please bear in mind, this might not be until the first days of September that we know for sure. 


Please remember, for the safety of all the pupils attending school, the staff and their wider families, it is crucial that all pupils (and their household) who have a place in school, follow the social distancing guidelines consistently when not in school to ensure the risks are kept to a minimum. Several schools have had to close completely due to positive tests and whilst we all know this is possible anyway, we need to do our very, very best to keep the risks as low as possible and we appreciate your support in this.



I know pupils have now been absent from school for a long time and some are finding it ever more difficult. Please keep in contact with the staff at school, who will do their best to continue to support you. 

Take care, Mrs. Johnson
