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School Jacket Potatoes

From Monday 31st October 2016 school dinner sandwiches will not be served. The option of school dinner sandwiches will resume after the Easter holidays in April 2017.

Instead of school dinner sandwiches the School Cook will be offering the option of jacket potatoes with the following fillings. The fillings will rotate on a 3 week basis. The option of jacket potatoes will be served alongside the hot meals served on the school dinner menu.

Week A

Monday          ham and cheese mayo

Tuesday         tuna mayo

Wednesday    chicken mayo

Thursday        baked beans 

Friday             grated cheese

Week 2

Monday          quorn korma

Tuesday         tuna mayo

Wednesday    baked beans

Thursday        grated cheese

Friday             cheesy coleslaw

Week 3

Monday          chicken mayo

Tuesday         grated cheese

Wednesday    tuna mayo

Thursday        coleslaw        

Friday             baked beans
