Good afternoon Parents/Carers,
I'm sure you are all following the news and seeing how high the number of COVID cases are both locally and nationally and how rapidly this new virus strain is spreading.
In line with the Government guidance, we are being reminded to STAY AT HOME unless in exceptional circumstances for the safety of all.
We therefore want to reduce the number of visitors to school wherever possible. All queries, questions and concerns should be made by telephone or e-mail. Please be aware that due to staff shortages, the office will not be manned consistently so you may find it quicker to e-mail any questions or problems you have. The list of e-mails are at the bottom of this e-mail to remind you who to contact. Please be aware, staff are only expected to check these accounts during school working hours so if you message outside of these times, you may need to wait for a response.
Remote learning
All pupils have been provided with a home learning exercise book and pen/pencil. When planning, staff are setting tasks that can be recorded in this exercise book or online (e.g. on Purple Mash or TT Rockstars) so pupils shouldn't need a paper pack each week. As long as parents can access the tasks set and the supporting teaching videos or resources, the tasks/ activities should be able to be completed without the need of paper resources from school. The Government want schools to ensure learning can be accessed remotely to reduce the number of people coming to schools and therefore reduce the risks.
Of course, we realise that for some families, paper copies are the only way of completing tasks at the moment, especially where devices in the household are short (we are working with the DFE this week and hope to prioritise resources for those most in need next week).
I think some parents think they need the paper copy of work so I just wanted to clarify this. Parents should only order the paper copy if they have no way of accessing the activities online. You should not have to print anything at home- just watch/ read/ listen and then complete the tasks set in the home learning book provided or practically, depending on the activity being set.
If paper copies are needed, these should be ordered via your child's class e-mail address (see below) by Thursday of each week. They will be ready for collection between 12:30 and 2:30pm on Fridays and between 9:00-10:00am on Mondays only to reduce the number of times people have to visit the school. Please remember, these won’t be ready for you unless you have requested these via your child’s class e-mail.
Sending evidence of work from home
The easiest way to send work to teachers which has been completed in their home learning book, is to photograph the page they have worked on and e-mail this to the class e-mail as below. If you don’t know how to do this, please let your child’s class staff know via the e-mail and they will be glad to help. It is helpful to have your child’s name visible on each page you photograph. You don't need to send photographs of your child completing everything (e.g. photographs of them sat down working to show us they are doing work) just the end product is fine. We know they will be working hard and you will be supporting them as best you can, when you can so please don't feel you need to evidence this. We ask you to photograph the written tasks or the tasks set by the Early Years Team though so staff can look at the child's work and give feedback to help to move their learning on. Some tasks may be completed on the computer so these can be saved and attached and sent by e-mail. Photographs, documents and videos can also be uploaded via the One Drive- Mrs Braithwaite has sent you details about this. Again, if you have any difficulties, please let your child’s class know via the e-mail account below and they’ll do whatever they can to support you.
As I have already mentioned, we are exploring ways of making the remote learning easier for parents and pupils but need to ensure we get everyone able to access devices first before we can move any further forward with this.
Visiting the school
Apart from parents dropping off and collecting Key worker/vulnerable pupils when school reopens on Monday 18th January, the only parents visiting the school should be:
If you do have to come to school for one of the reasons above, please come alone wherever possible (for hampers you may need help if you have more than one child).
Face coverings must be worn unless you are medically exempt.
Please ensure you use the spots to maintain distance.
You will be asked to wait outside school- please ring the bell if the door isn’t open and step back behind the railings to ensure staff can maintain a safe social distance.
E-mail addresses
Please remember when you receive e-mails from the whole school e-mail account (Teachers to Parents) you cannot reply to these. Instead, you need to use the relevant e-mail address below.
For everything to do with learning (pupils in school and working at home), contact your child’s class e-mail. (Rec.) (Nursery) (Y1) (Y2) (Y3) (Y4/5) (Y5) (Y5/6)
For anything to do with administration, e.g. paying for things, changing contact details, ordering free school meal hampers etc, contact Mrs Grant in the office.
For anything to do with Special Educational needs that your child’s teacher can’t answer, contact our Special Needs and Disability Coordinator, Mrs. Abbott-Lewin:
For anything else, contact me or Mrs Smith
Please be safe, following the guidelines at all times so we can all be back together as soon as possible.
Kind regards,
Mrs. D. M. Johnson