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Positive COVID case

I have been advised by Public Health England that there has been a second confirmed case of COVID-19 within the school in the Year 1 bubble. We have identified a link between the two cases so this is not being treated as a school or community outbreak but we know this will cause anxiety amongst our school community.

We have liaised fully with Public Health England and they have confirmed that we have identified and isolated all the relevant staff and pupils and confirmed that our processes in school are robust.

Children in Miss Walker's class have been asked to self-isolate (remaining at home until Wednesday 14th October). The school remains open to everyone else and your child should continue to attend as normal if they remain well. This includes any brothers and sisters of the children in Miss Walker's class as per the Government guidelines.


I can confirm within school we ensure bubbles/class groups are kept separate, including separate times and gates for arriving and leaving school, separate times and zones for playgrounds and fields, children remaining in their own classrooms and having their own individual resources, areas that are shared, such as toilets being cleaned after every group or individual visit etc and these processes are consistent and understood by all so you can rest assured we are doing absolutely everything possible to ensure the risk to everyone is a low as possible.


You all play a vital role in this. Public Health's clear message is about the importance of social distancing of 2m for everyone (with the exception of household bubbles). Please ensure you are following this guidance and promoting it with your wider friends and family.

Many thanks,

Mrs Johnson
