We have received confirmation of a positive case today and therefore have made the decision to close the school to all pupils today (which should have been our last day before the Christmas holidays began) as a further precaution.
Letters have been sent to all parents of pupils in the Y5 class (Mrs Fish's class only) that need to self-isolate. as well as a letter to the whole school. (Copies of these are on the website in the latest news- letters in date order section)
This is not the ending to the school term that anyone would have wanted but we hope you understand that our main priority is to protect the health and safety of all pupils, staff and their families and doing this precautionary measure is to try to ensure families get to enjoy Christmas Day together (in their Christmas bubbles).
The pantomime has been sorted to be shared when we return for those that didn't get to watch it yesterday and their goody bags will still be there for them then.
You will also receive links today so you can see your child's mini Christmas message/performance. We hope you enjoy these.
You will be sent some activities that your child can do at home today. If you have any questions to do with this, please e-mail your child's teaching staff. If you have any other questions, please e-mail myself (headteacher@anthonybek.derbyshire.sch.uk) or Mrs Smith (clairesmith@anthonybek.derbyshire.sch.uk) and we'll do our best to help you.
Please remember if your child develops symptoms, please order them a test and contact me/Mrs Smith at the above addresses to let us know you have ordered a test and to let us know the result so we can contact anyone that is a close contact.
Many thanks- I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and New Year.
Let's hope 2021 is a better year for all,
Best wishes,
Mrs. Johnson