Please read the letter sent by Dean Wallace, the Director of Public Health for Derbyshire (sent by e-mail and in parents section on this website- letters). Below are the key points.
New symptoms have been identified for the new variant of COVID 19.
The additional symptoms are: • tummy ache • sore throat • headaches • runny nose • sneezing • joint pain • muscle aches or generally feeling poorly. |
• loss of appetite • diarrhoea • feeling or being sick • muscle ache • feeling drowsy • tiredness
Anyone with a high temperature, a new continuous cough and a loss or change to sense of smell or taste should self-isolate immediately and book a test in the same way.
We are also advising everyone to take a PCR test if they experience a tummy ache, sore throat, loss of appetite, diarrhoea, feeling or being sick, headaches, joint pain, muscle ache, runny nose, sneezing, feeling drowsy, tiredness, muscle aches or generally feeling poorly, as it could be a sign that they have coronavirus.