Pupils who have requested a key worker/ vulnerable pupil place have been sent the e-mail below explaining the details for the groups. All other pupils will be supported with learning at home.
We have split the children by age into 3 key worker groups:
The numbers in the groups are sufficiently low enough to ensure each child can have a desk of their own instead of having to share as they have done this year so far. This is different in Reception/Y1 however as this style of learning is not appropriate to their needs at all times. We are also fortunate enough to have 3 separate buildings so each group will be in their own building with their own block of toilets to further reduce sharing. We will of course, continue with increased cleaning, hand washing, sanitising and keeping 2m apart within bubbles at all times (the latter clearly more difficult with the youngest pupils but we will still encourage distance at all times)
The new times and gates starting on Wednesday 6th January 2021 are as follows:
Please remember social distancing at all times and face coverings. Please also be prompt and leave the outside area straight away to reduce contacts.
KS2 group- Main reception gate 8:50am-3:15pm
Y2 group- Top/ kitchen gate 8:45am-3:10pm
Y1/FS2 group-Middle/ Nursery gate 8:40-3:05pm Other drop off points
Main reception gate:
Breakfast club (arrivals between 8am and 8:30am only)
Late arrivals 8:55am onwards (social distancing key)
Breakfast club
• Service to be offered to pupils from all groups but limited to a maximum of 15 in total so please ensure you book online and in advance if you need this service.
After school club
• Service to be offered to pupils from all groups but limited to a maximum of 15 in total so please ensure you book online and in advance if you need this service.
• The same procedures and times for collecting will remain in place.
School Uniform/ PE
What do pupils need to bring?
Positive COVID cases
Office hours
If you need any help or assistance at any time, please e-mail me headteacher@anthonybek.derbyshire.sch.uk or Mrs Smith- clairesmith@anthonybek.derbyshire.sch.uk
It is expected from the Government announcement that this will be in place until at least February half term. Please ensure you keep us up to date with any changes in your circumstances.
We will do our best to ensure this is as positive and educationally beneficial period whilst keeping safety at the forefront of our minds.
Kind regards,
Mrs Johnson