Dear Parents/Carers
Due to Covid 19, we will not be able to hold our usual Halloween discos this year. The children love dressing up and it is such a shame that these cannot go ahead.
It is for this reason that we have decided to let the children come to school in Halloween costumes on the last day of term. (Friday October 23rd)
It is important to stress that their costume needs to be one that they can move about freely in and is not going to be too cold for them when it is play time. Please ensure that they have sensible footwear and also leave any props (Grim reaper’s sythe, big spiders, skulls etc) at home so they do not get lost, broken or fiddled with!
They do not have to wear a full costume, a hat, Halloween t-shirt or face paint will be just fine. If your child does not want to wear Halloween clothes then they need to be in their full school uniform please.
There will be no cost for dressing up.
Please be aware that there will be no PE lessons on this day – they will be re-arranged for earlier in the week.
During the day we will put a distinct Halloween slant on the learning so the children will not be missing out on the curriculum but will feel that we have marked Halloween in some way.
If you have any questions, please ring or email school.
Mrs C. Smith