Christmas Decorations
The 'elves' were very busy last night making our school look very festive! Seeing the children's faces this morning was fabulous and just what we all need to keep everyone feeling positive in these challenging times. Usually, most of you would get to see our decorations and lights when attending one of our usual performances but as we can't do that, we've taken some photographs so you can see for yourself. It's definitely 'Beginning to look a lot like Christmas' as the song goes.
Advent window
We have taken part in the community advent event. Our window is today-3rd December. If you haven't already seen it, have a look- it's in the windows to the left of the main Reception. It looks much better when it starts to get dark but obviously for safety reasons we have to turn the lights off when we leave school so please look before 6pm. The display will stay up for the duration of advent so if you don't get to see it today, you'll still have the opportunity. Have a look around the community to see who else is taking part in the advent event.
Christmas Community Challenge
Hopefully you all remember my Community challenges earlier in the year? Well, I thought it was a good time to set another. You may have noticed in front of our advent window is a bare tree (also pictured below). We would love our school community to help decorate this tree to make it a spectacular community tree. Therefore, we are asking each household to make a decoration to hang on our tree. The decoration needs to be made of something that will cope with wind, rain and even snow! You may want to make a decoration to remember someone special to your family. Please add your child's/ family name to the decoration as this will also be a competition with prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd.
Please send your decoration with your child as soon as possible so we can start to make the tree look festive. The deadline for decorations is Wednesday 16th December and prizes will be awarded on the last day. Hopefully, this will be the best community challenge yet!
Best wishes,
Mrs. Johnson