Anti-bullying week was a great success. Every class completed several pieces of work based around friendship and anti-bullying. In Year 5 and 6 the children made some origami friendship bracelets and also watched a film about a girl who was bullied at gymnastics lessons - it told the story that no matter what you go through - it is really important not to give up.
Reception made a friendship banner and year 1 made a picture using everybody's hands.
Year 2 looked at bullying in the context of traditional tales and Year 3 and 4 drew a face, ripped the paper up and then put it together again - this was to show the children that bullying is there forever - you can try and say sorry but the rips always remain.
It is really important that we keep anti-bullying in the forefront of our minds. We need to give the children the tools to deal with bullying and the reasons why they should never bully anyone.