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Throughout the children’s time at Anthony Bek Primary School, it is important that the History curriculum inspires an insightful knowledge of past events, encourages deeper thinking, investigation and allows children to form opinions.


Immerse- Children will be immersed into historical topics by providing learning opportunities to see, feel, smell and experience different historical times, events or periods of History.

Knowledge- Children need to have that understanding of how past events have impacted and shaped life today. Children will learn this knowledge through a range of learning activities, experiences and investigations.

Questioning- It is important that children become deeper thinkers, giving children different questions that links to these events or periods of time will help children form an idea of what life was like and create questions that makes the learning personal to them.


As Historians at Anthony Bek, it is important that learning links between different eras are identified, compared and also challenged. By providing events in chronological order, children get an insightful knowledge of similarities and differences and how the world has evolved to match the period of time.



Following the National Curriculum guidelines, we have produced a document which highlights the progression and skills that every Historian needs. Through providing topics for each year group, we have created an opportunity for children to build upon their knowledge.

It is important to the school that we have experiences given to the children so that they can use the local area, visits and workshops that intrigue the children to build upon their deeper thinking and understanding, wherever possible.

History is taught across all year groups throughout the year to ensure pupils continue to recap, make links and further develop their understanding. Knowledge organisers are used to summarise the key learning each term and give pupils a reference point to promote independence.

Staff and our History coordinator complete ongoing summative and formative assessment to allow for History to progress and information is retained so that this information can be built upon each year.

The subject leader will monitor the subject throughout school to ensure quality first teaching and learning is being delivered.



The impact of this will have a positive impact on the children as they will:

  • Be given the opportunity to have a love of learning implement through engaging lessons and developing their curiosity.
  • A wide range of knowledge will be in the child’s long- term memory, which is built upon through their time at Anthony Bek.
  • A range of historical vocabulary,
  • A deeper understanding of how events have shaped the world today and any messages we might have learnt from these events or periods of time.

At Anthony Bek Primary School, we fervently believe that children need to be fully immersed in a subject in order for long term learning to take place. With this in mind, History is taught with cross curricular links as a core aspect. This in turn drives curiosity and enables children to start questioning what has taken place and the reasons for it within British history and the wider world; developing children's use and understanding of primary/secondary resources will facilitate this.


We also place an importance on developing children's understanding of the chronology of events to help them understand how these events occurred in relation to each other. 



History overview 2021-22

Work based on The Anglo-Saxons and The Vikings

Learning about Ancient Rome
