Welcome to Breakfast Club!
Breakfast club is open everyday between 8:00am until school starts to all pupils from Nursery to Year 6, however we do ask that Nursery children are accompanied by an adult. In order to be served breakfast, pupils need to arrive before 8:30am.
The cost each day is £2.00 which includes a cold or hot breakfast and childcare. The cost is the same with or without breakfast. Monies should be paid through the School Money service in advance.
We have a huge choice of hot and cold breakfasts available everyday. Here are the options, which are on offer everyday.
Frosted Flakes
Honey Hoops
Wheat Bisks
Rice Snaps
Choco Snaps
Malted Wheaties
Cheese Spread
Chocolate Spread
Baked Beans
Scrambled Egg
Tinned Tomatoes
Orange Squash
Blackcurrant Squash