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Photographs and Gifts for staff

School Photographs


Our original booking for the individual school photographs was very early in the term and at that point, our risk assessment didn't permit us to have any external visitors into school other than those linked to the maintenance of the school building.


When our booking was cancelled, we expressed that we would still be interested in having a photographer to take individual photographs of the children during this academic year- we have asked for a Spring term booking as we hope by then, we may even be able to allow siblings that don't attend our school to take part. I appreciate many of you would normally use school photographs as Christmas gifts so I'm sorry this can't happen this year. I know some schools have still managed this- every school's risk assessment will be different depending on building size, room availability, staffing etc.

We did look at the possibility of taking photographs ourselves but unfortunately this is not possible due to staffing and absence.


Hopefully, when we have the photographs later in the school year, you can use them towards other gifts for family members- maybe even an end of COVID/ reunion gift!


Gifts for staff


We have been asked if Parents/ Carers can still provide gifts for staff members this Christmas. That is a very thoughtful question to ask. With everything that comes into school which other people may touch, we either clean it or quarantine it for 3 days. E.g. when children return reading books, they stay in quarantine and get put back on the shelves after the quarantine ends as it is not really possible to wash books! The same can happen with gifts. As long as these are bought to school by Friday 11th December, they can be quarantined and ready for staff to take home the following week (different staff end of different days which is why I've said Fri 11th)


I know many of you bring home baked goods to share with staff. Whilst I'm sure Parents would be very careful with hygiene etc, it is probably better this year to not bring these- thank you.
