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Mrs. Johnson's Challenge 3 results

Results of Challenge 3- Video Message

This was definitely the hardest challenge so far to select winners and I've had to have lots of help deciding! I can honestly say every single one was a delight to watch. I have been laughing and crying and it has been wonderful to see families working together, lots of family members getting involved and some very creative ideas. Well done to everyone who has taken part. 

If you haven't already watched the videos, please follow the link below and go to videos for the headteacher folder.

1st place- Year 1 collaboration

We know how hard it was to put our school video together with everyone each doing their bit at home so it was wonderful to see many of the Y1 class working together to achieve this. Great catching skills, unrelenting and lots of teamwork. Well done Y1 (and parents)!

2nd place- Jake J and Trinity P (couldn't separate them)

Both sang beautifully (as always) with very inspiring songs/ word choices in relation to the current situation. Very moving. Well done.

3rd place- Seth P (and family)

Not one, not two but 3 video messages to inspire and bring a smile to the faces of others. They definitely worked.

Thank you all for taking part.
